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Travelling home alone

Travelling to and from school alone policy

The School has produced a policy to cover children who will travel to and from school alone.  Parents/carers are able to seek permission for children in years 5 and 6 to travel to and from school alone.  As a school we want to encourage a healthy lifestyle, whilst ensuring the safety of our pupils and we hope that the policy will strike a balance in both of these respects. 

To apply for permission for your child to travel to and from school alone, please complete this online form.

As children grow older, they are likely to begin to stay at home without you and go out alone, including travelling to and from school independently.  Do you think they are old enough?  Can they deal with risks?  Will they behave responsibly?  To help parents/carers to decide whether their child is ready for these steps and with advice about how to keep your child safe, the NSPCC has produced a guide with useful questions and information.