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Achieving our aspirations

Our aim:

Through developing the 4 C’s, all pupils at Fulbourn Primary School will have the knowledge, skills, and adaptability to be able choose their own destiny. 


At the age of three or four, children are already starting have opinions about what they can and cannot do in the future; by the time they’re 10, young people start to make decisions which could go on to limit their future options.  

It’s not about children choosing their future jobs at this very young age. At Fulbourn Primary School we aim to work with the children, ex-pupils, parents, the community, and local employers to help our children learn about the skills they need to fuel their aspirations and ambitions. It’s about helping them to learn about the variety of jobs open to them and the fantastic range of opportunities we have in the region and gaining a broad understanding of the routes to get into work and training, including the essential skills and attitudes required to be successful in both further studies, the workplace, and life in general! 

If you would like to support careers learning at Fulbourn Primary School, we would be delighted to hear from you and you should contact our Careers Lead, Nichola Grove: 

Careers News

What’s been happening in School? 

Monday 3rd June 2024 Citizenship Day


On Monday, we kicked off an exciting week of learning with Citizenship Day.  We were fortunate to welcome lots of visitors into school who talked about many different careers and career paths. 

We would like to say an enormous thank you to all our visitors: SDC (construction), Dave Grove (Operations Director), Hills (Construction), Gabby and Dave Roy (Pet sitting business), Jack Gray (Transport Planner), Jamie Seagrave (running JS Sports and being a magician!), Sue Woodley (former professional Olympian), Bonnie Kwok (Urban Designer), Tom Davies (Town Planner), Alex Stewart (Author), Vicki Meerman (Scientist) and Joanna Cotsikoros (‘The Paint Genie' – Painter and Decorator).

By bringing learning to life, the children were able to connect the skills they learn at school (listening and speaking, teamwork and leadership, creativity and problem-solving) to the wider world of work, fuelling motivation in the classroom!

Here are some of the things children and adults had to say:

“I’ll be a foreman when I’m older.” Eloise (Year 1)

“I loved learning about different careers and what careers I can go into.” Zach (Year 6)

“We’ve learnt great marketing skills and how to stay within budget. We’ve learnt that working as a team helps to create bigger and better ideas.” Albany W (Year 6)

“He’s so methodical, he’s already like one of our surveyors, we could employ him tomorrow.” Luke Norris from SDC about Matthew (Year 6)

“I love doing these activity days, it’s such a fabulous start to a new half-term. I’m still baffled by Mr. Seagrave’s magic tricks!” Mrs Welsh (TA)

“I’ve realised that teamwork is more important than you think because it’s harder on your own.” Elinam D (Year 6)

When I’m older I want to be an artist or a pianist.  Today, I’ve learnt that you can have more than one job.”  Maite (Year 3)

“We combined all our ideas together; that made the best bridge.” Gracie (Year 2)

“I found the talk by the urban designer very interesting; she gave lots of detail about the designs and, as I like art, I think I might like to do that.” Grace (Year 3)

‘I didn’t think painting and decorating would be fun, but I really liked doing it.’ Kaia (Year 1)

‘Wow! My mind just snapped! That’s a great party trick!’ Josh (Year 2)

‘I felt amazed by the magic.’ Benjamin (Year 1)



19th April 2024

We have recently secured funding to enable us to work with a company called ‘Skills Builder’.

The ‘Skills Builder idea’ is to provide children with exciting opportunities, including careers learning and challenge days, that bring learning to life and help the children to build core skills, essential in all areas of life (shown in the image below).

On Monday, we launched Skills Builder with ‘Operation Moon Base Day’.  All children, from Early Years to Year 6, engaged with an exciting challenge to plan and design a new society on a distant moon.  The day was very successful, and the project enabled all children to shine in the eight Skills Builder Skills.

Next, on 3rd June 2024, Citizenship Day will be a whole school careers event where children will be exposed to lots of different jobs and learning about how the skills learnt at school transfer to the world of work!  We are very much looking forward to it.

8th December 2023 

Doctor Winne, a structural engineer, visited Years 3 and 4 this week, to talk about his job.  Then, the Year 4’s were lucky enough to visit SDC, a construction company that undertakes projects across a variety of sectors, including: Research and development, commercial, manufacturing, automotive, healthcare and education. They are currently building laboratories on the Arm site. We learnt that SDC employ people in lots of different roles, for example: scaffolders, bricklayers, planners, and 3D modelling designers. The children designed and built a model and learnt that one of the most important skills to be successful in your job is teamwork!  

We would like to say a massive thankyou to both Doctor Winne and SDC for their support.