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Our Mathematics Leader is Miss Joanna Cooper

Mathematics enables us to make sense of the world through number, quantity, form and symbol.  The anxiety some adults express about mathematics does not come naturally to children, who instinctively find meaning in counting and shape.  Our aim is to nurture that instinct and to build confidence from the very start.  We therefore strive to ensure that all pupils become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, reason mathematically and use their knowledge to solve a variety of problems.

We provide our pupils with many different tools and representations to help them build mathematical concepts. Such variety challenges children’s thinking and encourages them to make connections between mathematical ideas. To ensure our children recognise that maths is everywhere, we apply our learning to real-life contexts and to other subjects.  

Our children solve problems and reason mathematically daily.  They learn to explain their choice of methods and develop their reasoning skills, using mathematical vocabulary effectively.  Arithmetic and times tables are vital tools.  We provide regular opportunities to develop the skills of rapid, accurate recall of essential number facts.  We subscribe to the online ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’ programme so that children can practise in class and at home.

We teach maths in small, sequential steps, following the robust White Rose scheme of learning, which we adapt where necessary to meet the needs of individuals. 

In addition to this, we follow the NCETM's mastering number programmes to supplement our maths learning in particular year groups. These daily 15-minute sessions aim to develop children's fluency, confidence and flexibility with number. Key Stage 1 sessions focus on developing fluency in calculation and Key Stage 2 sessions (year 4 and year 5) focus on multiplication and division facts.